Physical Therapy at SSEC

The SSEC Physical Therapists (PTs) focus on the student’s ability to access the school environment and to participate in the educational program by:

-create specialized seating, positioning, and mobility plans that facilitate learning, access, and successful access to the school environment

-promote access to the school curriculum and school environment, indoor and outdoor. This can include entering/ exiting school buses, navigating through school hallways or between locations, accessing classroom environment, attending classes, or participating in specials such as art and gym. 

-on site coordination of order and repairs of personal student equipment such as wheelchairs, gait trainers, standers and other student equipment needs through local vendors..

-on site coordination of ordering and adjustment process of personal student orthoses such as Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthoses (TLSO), Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO), Dynamic Movement Orthoses (DMO),  through local companies.